A large scale floating residential area, existing of all floating villas, is arising in the Johan van Hasseltkanaal, a branch of the IJ-canal in Amsterdam, The Netherland. This floating “district”, called Schoonschip, will be the most sustainable floating housing project in Europe which will exist of a total of 30 houses, 46 households and over 100 residents.
A prestigious project, not only due to the high sustainable goals but also due to the high design level. A project full of unique architectural pearls, each designed by different renowned architects. Schoonsghip has reached the Dutch papers and news a couple of times already. According to planning the project will be competed in 2020.
Assignment | Bartels & Vedder
- Engineering of the floating foundations/cellars of 16 houses
- Engineering of the mooring piles and construction of 16 houses
- Engineering of the structural design of 16 houses
- Determining and engineering the stability and draught (depth) of 16 houses
- Structural drawings for building permit applications of 16 houses
- Conceptual structural drawings for construction of 12 houses
- 3D BIM structural model of 4 houses
- Shopdrawings (Construction drawings)
Project details.
- Client: House owners within Schoonschip
- Fully Completed in 2020
- Schoonschipamsterdam.org